
cyrus_portraitEven though things were disjointed,

to carry out what God appointed,

Cyrus stood as God’s  anointed.


He might not have known the golden rule,

nor did he teach in Sunday School,

but  surely Cyrus was no fool.


King Cyrus made a firm decree

that fateful day in history

that soon the world would clearly see.


A sovereign nation be reclaimed,

as one could ponder unashamed

a government that God had framed.


 Even though things seemed erratic,

and some might even say schismatic,

the rank and file were so ecstatic.


Despite some troubling aggravation

while standing on a firm foundation,

they vowed to stay the full duration.


But what a strange phenomenon

when all the upper echelon

chose to stay in Babylon!

The Snow Day

school%20closedWorking under the proverbial gun.

No my paper is not done!

I’m just not having any fun.

Hey, look outside there is no sun!


The sky is really turning gray.

wonder where we put the sleigh!

maybe I’ll have time to play

The paper can wait another day!


And even better still,

the snow will cover all the hill!

Sleighing is so much a thrill!

more days of snow would fit the bill.


Wow, that was so great a ride!

You see how long I made that slide?

I’m really starting to hit my stride!

Please don’t make me come inside.


Please don’t make me go berserk.

Yes, I’ll finish that boring work.

You don’t have to go knee jerk

and say the work I always shirk?


 I am secretly going to pray:

Please give me one more snow day.

The Urbana Oyster Festival

5431458_origLet’s go down to the town of Urbana

A little remote but no second banana


Now is the time to exit your cloister

and enter the realm of the succulent oyster


Fresh out of that river and on to your plate

this silvery blob will help you think straight


Be it raw, roasted, fried, or in stew

along with some of your favorite brew,


the oyster will always be judged as the best

and certainly make you forget all the rest.


A seafood platter is certainly my thing

but only the oyster is rightfully king.


You want to go home? Now don’t be a quitter,

before you have tasted this fine oyster fritter.



First in peace and first in war,

first in the heart of the nation by far.

With courage and grace, and humble at heart,

he answered the call and was apart.

A nation to form, a nation to lead,

to naked aggression he would not concede.

Facing a challenge with conditions so dire,

his unwavering faith did much to inspire.

“How did he tackle so daunting a task

with great odds against him?” I would like to ask.

Though he was so gifted he knew he was flawed,

but humbled himself and prayed to his God.

Such noble purpose and painstaking plan

could only succeed under God’s mighty hand.

A Sacred Wedding


So much hard work out in the yard

would soon bestow a great reward.

For family and friends would come together,

and despite what seemed like threatening weather,

to celebrate the bonds of love

handed down from God above.

It may have been the first of Fall

but it did seem not like Fall at all.

 But one beautiful day ordained to bring

the overwhelming joy of Spring.

When the wedding bells began to ring

and all our joyful hearts did sing,

we saw all the hopes and dreams

poured out in ever-flowing streams.

The exchanging of the marriage vows,

bestowing all that marriage endows,

an endless source of spiritual grace

which all the world cannot displace.

So many smiles on so many faces,

reflecting all that love embraces,

provided such a grand ovation

and a fitting acclamation,

on top of all the preparation

one final lasting declaration.

A marriage lasting over time,

and all the sacred bells did chime,

ringing out a sound sublime

man and woman with God combine.

New York City Cousins

traffic_jam-nycAllow me to tell you of the family up north,

astoundingly smart and for now and henceforth,

famous for all the wine they uncork

and their excellent mastery of the town of New York.

Just driving around can be quite a chore,

the honking of horns one cannot ignore.

And who can keep up with that damn GPS?

You do not have one second to guess

which way to go or when you must stop.

And right in my way stands a tall traffic cop.

Not so with cousins Rose or Louise,

 driving down town is just such a breeze.

Driving around New York in the dark

cannot compare with one having to park.

Parking just leaves my stomach in knots.

but Rose and Louise know all the right spots.

They found a small space two blocks from MOMA.

then sliding right in they left me in awe.

You want my simple recommendation

 for your hectic New York navigation?

From this time forward and forever henceforth.

just call my two supper cousins up North.

Sonnet for the S. S. United States

uss_united_statesShe sailed her maiden voyage in fifty-two

from New York City to the British Isles

But alas today she’s far from public view

and facing more than daunting ocean trials.


At pier eighty-two she slowly rusts away,

when once she raised her shining head with pride

For I remember quite another day.

The lady broke all records in her stride.


Over a distance of three thousand miles,

no one knew how fast she’d connect the dots.

She finished the race. Her face was full of smiles,

with average speed of more than thirty knots,


A liner named for these United States

For me she’ll always be one of the greats.

A Family Christmas

Christmas-Table-300x300T’was a day over Christmas and all through the air

the cooking proceeded with such savoir-faire.

The table was set and the oysters were fried.

Our generous host took the whole thing in stride.

With a sharp watchful eye as food paraded out

I knew in a moment there was nothing to doubt.

Refreshing my oysters as not to be rude

We opened up gifts as I savored the food.

The man of the house showed his usual charm

Ate a little too much but what is the harm?

What more can I say the man is a chef.

The sharing of food nearly needed a ref.

The kids were enjoying this family affair,

and all was well as I settled in my chair.

When suddenly there rose a gastronomical alert,

thank goodness I’d made some room for dessert.

 The day moved along at a near record pace,

a time filled with joy and remarkable grace.

We had such a day full of love and good cheer.

Just hope we can do this whole thing the next year.

Now before I forget please allow me to say.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day.

Common Food & Uncommon Taste

girl cookingSome of our cooks have a way with all food.

The ingredients are common but their methods are shrewd.

A quite ordinary dish transforms to gourmet

and they are just not giving their secrets away.

In case you are wondering there aren’t recipes,

just one dish after another, their own specialties.

My mother would cook in this extraordinary way

and her great expertise has passed down to this day.

The torch has passed to my first daughter Lynn

who is cranking out winners all over again.

From savory soups to great turnip greens.

I think it simply must come through the genes.


pinterest-pinboard-600When seeing something that catches my interest

I’ll scoop it right up for my very own Pinterest.

It’s the perfect place for things that I hoard.

just let me pin it to the appropriate board.

But did you know that it only lasts a minute

until someone thinks they have the right to re-pin it.

To borrow an idea that was captured by me

and re-pin that idea for the whole world to see!

Do you actually think there could be any merit

to encouraging such theft and not giving me credit?

You mean to tell me that’s how it’s all done

and the whole idea is sharing with someone?

But I was thinking I could put on a shelf

all the things that I wanted to keep for myself.

It’s starting to seem like a Band of Brothers

but perhaps I could learn a bit more from some others.


brunchSome people like to go out to lunch.

Others might say I am already there.

But what I prefer is more of a brunch,

because it has all my favorite fare.


The restaurant selection is a bit of an art

finding a balance of savor and setting.

Some might just order their brunch a la carte

but a prepackaged palate is what I am getting.


 When served late and cold, the food is just awful.

I’d just as soon have my meal in a place

where they always do serve the best coffee and waffle.

a long wait’s annoying when feeding one’s face.


Of course I can count on my great son-in-law

for a dining out experience without leaving home.

So there’s really no need to hem and to haw

or end up with leftover polyurethane foam.

Uncle George

One Dollar BillUncle George was quite a cook.

Don’t even give a second look

 to any other spread.

His reputation so widespread.

His wife would wash the pots and pans.

For he’d refuse to soil his hands,

Cause he surely must abstain

from these matters so mundane.

His loving wife was my grandma

which would have made him my grandpa

except he thought he was too young

to allow this word roll off a tongue.

Why it might make his mouth disgorge.

He made us call him Uncle George.

On birthdays he gave a dollar bill,

a gift that gave us each a thrill.

It was a picture of himself

no need to put it on a shelf.

Off to the candy store we’d dash

His picture was a good as cash.

I’ll always remember my old grandpa

who tried to circumvent the law,

by not allowing his proper name.

To me he’s grandpa just same.

My Azalea

DETA-1298I love the blooms of Spring camellias

second only to azaleas

which soar above all lovely flowers

with their silent seductive powers.

They only bloom just once a year

unless they’re an Encore volunteer.

There was a flower that always bloomed

whose gentle ways were so well-groomed,

who shined so bright in sun and shade

and for my life she always prayed.

She managed life with such aplomb

This azalea was my Mom.


scan0009It stretched along a tidal stream

I see it now as if a dream

with sandy beaches left and right

enough to put the heart in flight.

We lived there in a small garage

now fading like some false mirage,

yet still it is so real to me.

If only you could really see

how beautiful was this sacred place,

though now it’s gone without a trace.

Our home expanded when family grew.

The new additions were quite home-brew.

Built by my father’s loving hand,

the final form was simply grand.

When tested by a mighty storm

there was no reason for alarm.

Built of sturdy cinder block

it stood erect around the clock.

Hazel came and Hazel went

leaving little that was bent.

The beach was slightly rearranged

But our strong house was left unchanged.

Few disturbed our calm abode.

When cycling up and down the road

with only an occasional car in sight,

the summer breeze was such delight

even if we caused its flow.

 Such delightful times of long ago.

The river became our second home

from crabbing to a long beach comb,

from flounder fishing far from shore,

a summer day was n’er a bore.

Winter was a different sort

when days were cold and oh so short.

We spent our time on long board games

while calling one another names,

until Mom suggested other stuff

like homework and other fluff.

The oil refinery came and went

and left behind us quite a dent.

The river was no more pristine

with nothing looking quite as clean.

We know that progress has to come

but let this be our rule of thumb:

Do no harm to nature’s throne

and we will all be quite at home.

Places come and places go

along the lines of ebb and flow.

Of course we learn to just make do

but I remember Waterview

My Brother-in-Law John

italian-chefA Jack of all trades and a master of most

about whose talents he could easily boast,

He’s eager to lend a kind helping hand

that’s why his services are in big demand.

He’s equally at home cooking irish potatoes

while tenderly growing those heirloom tomatoes.

A carpenter, musician, and shrewd investor

who’s equally adept as the family’s court jester.

An astute student of the political scene

he’s also the expert of turning grass green.

His humor and honor are simply right on.

Now let me present my brother-in-law John.